Tuesday, December 11, 2007

FAT Old Fart

After a restless worrying night I've come to the conclusion that I have really let myself go over the last 10 years or so. This morning I decided to weigh myself and jumped on the scales after I'd had my morning dump, which must be worth half a stone in any ones avoirdupois ! The machine creaked to a shocking 95 kilos (almost exactly 15 UK stones). I'm determined to do something about it.

More exercise is a prerequisite of weight loss, and I've over time begun to slack a bit on the morning walks with the dog, so this morning I resolved to double the distance that has become the norm. Off we set and 100 yards after the normal turning point the dog disappeared into a field that's completely over grown with bracken and gorse and would not come out. I walked on a bit, not too far as it's not really wise to leave a dog untended in the hunting season in case a frustrated hunter is around.

After much whistling and calling she finally appeared, with a smug satisfied look that indicates she's probably found and disposed of a pile of excreta of the enjoyable sort! I put the lead on and vowed that the greater part of the new extended morning walks will be made with the dog under control. I also intend to start half an hour earlier.

Tomorrow I intend to analyse my calorie intake

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