Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What's in a name?

To me, an antediluvian, dyed in the wool old Socialist, a double-barreled name is as much a symbol of the class war as is foxhunting. Over here things are different and quite ordinary people have such names.
The other day I was passing the Vets and saw a bloke putting up a new brass plaque and casually strolling by took a sly look. Our Vet, had obviously recently married her partner and had hyphenated his surname to her own.
This covers the whole of french society even our new first lady, Carla Bruni, on her marriage became Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. BUT what happens if two people with double-barreled want to get married, what name(s) do they assume?
Don't worry, as usual here, everything is covered; under new legislation they can adopt any one of the 4 names or any 2 hyphenated together in any order they like

Monday, July 14, 2008

Water,Water everyhere

Every Saturday the youngest boy and I go down to our little market town and have a drink in Regis's Bar, usually splitting a bottle of local dry white. I usually go inside to order, whilst the boy arranges the dog under a suitable table. When the weathers hot Regis will often bring out a bowl of water for any doggy customer.
Now gold-en-re-triev-ers are water dogs and we quickly found out that she preferred to play with water rather than drink it and that anything other than a heavy earthenware bowl would be instantly tipped and paddled in! Last summer Regis bought out water in an old litre ice cream tubfor the dog. I explained but none the less he left it and over it went. Not too much bother as we were sitting out on the pavement. This happened 2 or 3 times until he got fed up with it.
This year on the first hot day Regis came out with our drinks and a big grin on his face; he'd bought with a new dog bowl but in plastic, 2 laps at the water and over it went, back to the drawing board! Last Saturday we sat under the porch on a tiled area in front of the bar, when I went in to order there was something going on and Mrs Regis brought our drinks out followed by Regis wearing a big get out of that grin and carrying a large plastic washing up bowl full of water. Again 2 laps of water and she grips it by the rim and heaves it over, his face was a picture! and there was water everywhere !
He went back inside and re-appeared with a large sqeegee on a broom handle. Typically another fun game of the dogs is to help with sweeping up or hoovering when she paws at the head making a strange noise between a growl and a whine! Regis joined in the game poking the squeegee at her and saying something like " come on then", which she did, taking three bites out of it. The squeegee looked some thing like this ___m___m___m___

Friday, July 4, 2008

Rectal Repreive

Today I was supposed to have a biopsy to investigate the possibility of prostate cancer but luck was on my side. At my routine 3 monthly check with the G. P. I asked him to give me a presciption for another blood test, which test showed that that my PSA level had greatly reduced.
When I got to the Consultants and showed him the results he was surprised but said "This is good news; there's no need to do the biopsy" I think he decided it must have been an infection after all and has put me on a 3 week course of heavy antibiotics. Almost a worse result for a piss artist like me because there's very little chance of me stopping drinking for 3 weeks. 3 days would be difficult!
Now I'm hoping that the repreive isn't a temporary one; at first I was quite pleased with myself as I had told the G.P. that the Consultant had asked for the new blood test and the big man that it had been the G.P.s idea, one of my jolly wheezes! Now I'm worrying that I've only put off the inevitable temporarily and what damage could be happening if it is cancer!