Saturday, June 21, 2008

Health Matters

Health matters, well it does when things aren't well !! Have got to have a biopsy next week and things don't look too promising. It all started back in 2005 when the Doc added a "PSA" test to my annual blood test, this measures PSA in the blood and is an indicator of prostate problems (the old farts disease!).
That year it was UP so I had to go for a ultra sound scan. You walk into the lab, and there in the corner is this big High-tech machine ticking away, with a screen,keyboard and an instrument tray. Discreetly tucked away in the corner of the tray is this huge prick shaped instrument; one glance is enough to tell you that THAT is going to (shall we say?) go where the sun doesn't shine.

2006 was DOWN; 2007 was UP so another date with destiny! Presumably to offset the discomfort and embarrassment you leave the lab. with the pictures; not a pleasant subject I know but pictures of ones own back passage are difficult to describe but will be familliar to some Townies, especially to those from E and SE London. Imagine the Rotherhythe Tunnel, the oldest,dirtiest,dankest river crossing on a dark,foggy november night and you'll get some idea. BUT I've a jolly wheeze in mind!

The last 2 years DIYing has been finished in minimalistic mode-white walls,white ceilings,white wood and minimal coloured fittings. I'm thinking that the black and white images I've got from my 2005/7 visits to the lab could be framed in simple black surrounds. I'll hang them just inside the front door, in the front passage and when people come in and say "Oh! that's interesting what are they?" I'll say "that's the BACK PASSAGE"

Joking aside, this year the readings are SKY HIGH, hence straight to a biopsy which I am not looking forward to nor am I coping very well with the thought of "probably" (the Doc, not me) of having cancer. I'm thinkng about making a will. I'm laying awake worrying about what will happen to the dog if I croak. I'm really low and despondent. Iused to enjoy walking the dog, as much as for health reasons as doggy needs but can hardly be bothered. I have other even more morbid thoughts but then I realise that the medical dictionarys definition of morbid is "illness" (I think!!)