Thursday, December 13, 2007

FAT Old Fart (ll)

So I've got to work out a way to reduce my calorie intake for my New Years resolution. There are already underlying health issues so I don't eat too unhealthily most of the time. I don't buy cheese and other dairy product nor paté or eggs for most of the year; I do when people are here on holiday and it would be churlish not to indulge when they are served. I generally eat in restaurants once a week and eat anything I want to. These are the concessions I have had to make to a normal diet because of a high cholesterol level and which have for a number of years kept the level largely within relevant ranges, albeit with the help of a daily Statin tablet !!

I am also plagued by an elevated sugar level and because of this I rarely eat sweets,cake, biscuits or desserts, even in restaurants.

This existing diet doesn't seem to leave much scope for improvement other than reducing existing calorific intake, although I reluctantly concede that the problems could be alcohol related as I drink a full bottle of red wine at both lunch and dinner; except at week-ends when I polish off a bottle and a half at each sitting.

I think it unlikely I'll be able to give up fattening and unhealthy things entirely but have already made a start on a 50% reduction in potatoes and bread. Other sacrifices will have to wait for the New Year or rather the Monday after New Year. I need the delay here because it's my old firms Annual Reunion.

It used to be the Annual Reunion and Xmas party but the powers that be were warned that the heady aphrodisiac melange of mistletoe and booze could lead to allegations of sexual harassment that might open the company to the risk of complaint. So they moved it to after Xmas to take the mistletoe out of the equation !!!!!

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