Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Sunday newspapers

The english sunday papers don't arrive to our remote little corner of france till tuesday, if they arrive at all!! So I've been looking at pictures of the Blairs leaving No. 10 and the Browns moving from No. 11 to No. 10.

The reality is that, because the accommodation in No. 11 is larger, the Blairs with their 4 (I think?) children have lived there for the last 10 years and the Browns in No. 10. So what must have happened for these photos, is this :-

The Blairs removal men must have taken their furniture down the back stairs 0f No.11, into the back garden, passed it over the garden fence into the back garden of No. 10, in through the back door and down the corridor to emerge out of the front door of No. 10 for the photo shoot and then into the van.

Meanwhile the Browns removal men are taking their furniture down the backstairs of No.10, out into the back garden, humping it over the fence into the back garden of No. 11, in the back door, down the corridor and out the front door of No. 11 for the photo shoot as they enter No. 10

Can you emagine the chaos if the Blairs front room sofa on the way down had met the Browns front room sofa on the way up, but of course they've had 10 years or more to plan for this day!!.

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