Friday, July 4, 2008

Rectal Repreive

Today I was supposed to have a biopsy to investigate the possibility of prostate cancer but luck was on my side. At my routine 3 monthly check with the G. P. I asked him to give me a presciption for another blood test, which test showed that that my PSA level had greatly reduced.
When I got to the Consultants and showed him the results he was surprised but said "This is good news; there's no need to do the biopsy" I think he decided it must have been an infection after all and has put me on a 3 week course of heavy antibiotics. Almost a worse result for a piss artist like me because there's very little chance of me stopping drinking for 3 weeks. 3 days would be difficult!
Now I'm hoping that the repreive isn't a temporary one; at first I was quite pleased with myself as I had told the G.P. that the Consultant had asked for the new blood test and the big man that it had been the G.P.s idea, one of my jolly wheezes! Now I'm worrying that I've only put off the inevitable temporarily and what damage could be happening if it is cancer!

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