Monday, November 19, 2007

Baby it's cold outside

It's cold inside too and has been for a couple of weeks now. Bizarrely I'm sitting out in the sun at lunch time, taking my apero and going indoors to light the log fire when I eat. There's this myth that old stone houses with their 2 foot thick walls are "cool in summer and warm in winter". Whilst there's some truth in the first part, with their overhanging eves and shutters pulled across to keep the sun off the glass, don't believe for an instant the warm in winter bit. Once it's cold it's bloody cold and the fire takes ages to heat it.

The temperature levels aren't helped by the fact that I've tried to preserve as many of the original features as possible so I've left a number of the old doors and windows in place and the best that can be said of them is that they fit where they touch. Oh! for the joys and comforts of the PVC double glazing.

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